Jewish Holiday Jewelry
This is our most fun category of Jewish jewelry! Judaism has so many holidays that are rich with symbols and traditions. We love creating pieces to depict these symbols and hope they bring joy to all those who wear them! Staring at the beginning of the Jewish New Year we have a Shofar for Rosh Hashana, Lulav for Sukkot, Torah for Simchat Torah, dreidels and menorahs for Hanukkah, Trees of life for Tu B’Shevat, 10 Commandments for Shavout and of course all of our Shabbat symbols! You can find these symbols on pendants, earrings, bracelets and more. Or go for the perfect mix of them all with our best selling holiday charm bracelet!
Jewish Holiday FAQs
Which Jewish Holiday is the most important?
Some say the 3 pilgrimage holidays Sukkot, Pesach and Shavuot are the most important, while others say its Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Shabbat, which is celebrated every week and commemorates G-d’s day or rest on the 7th day of creation is also known as the most important!
Why do Jewish holidays begin at sundown?
The tradition of holidays beginning at sundown dates back to the bible, where G-d first created darkness, then light. There are also mentions in the Torah of beginning holiday celebrations, like Passover, at night. Jewish holidays begin at sundown and end when there are 3 stars in the sky.
Why do Jewish holidays change dates?
Jewish holidays change dates because they follow the lunar calendar. Jewish holidays always fall on the same Hebrew date but that doesn’t always line up with the Gregorian calendar. In the Jewish calendar there is a leap month every 4 years which resets the calendar alignment.
Which is the Jewish holiday where you can’t use electricity?
Using electricity is an example of doing work. Work is prohibited on Shabbat and many other Jewish holidays including Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot (not all days), Shemini Hatzeret, Simchat Torah, Passover (not all days) Shavuot and Tisha B’av. Work should be avoided on Purim as well.
On which Jewish holidays do you fast?
There are 2 major fast holidays where you fast from sunrise to sunrise – Yom Kippur and 9th of Av (Tisha B’av). There are also 4 minor fast holidays where you fast from sunrise to sunset – Fast of Gedalia, 10th of Tevet, 17th of Tammuz and Fast of Esther.
Which Jewish holiday do you dress up?
Purim is the holiday where you dress up and/or wear masks. There are many explanations all rooted in the story of Purim where Esther masks her true identity when she marries King Ahasuerus and then saves the Jews. There are lots of hidden miracles in the story.