What's New? It's Passover.
If there is a single event in Jewish history that defines the Jewish people as a nation, it’s Passover. On Passover we recount the events and lore surrounding the Exodus from Egypt of our ancestors. However, more than the story of the enslavement and redemption of our progenitors, Passover defines a historical and nationalistic transformation of a Semitic clan of monotheists into the Israelite nation.
Not surprisingly, the 1st of the Jewish month of Nissan, in which Passover occurs every year, is one of the four Jewish new years and the official start of the Jewish calendar year. The Torah explains that “This month will be for you the first of months. ” So while Rosh Hashanah marks the creation of the world, Nissan marks the creation of the Jewish nation.
Of course, Nissan also corresponds with springtime, marking a natural renewal. As the temperature warms, the rain falls and sun begins to shine, plants begin to bloom and animals begin to flourish again after the cold of winter (though in Los Angeles, cold winters are thankfully pretty warm).
It is a tradition among Jews to embrace the newness of this happy season with new clothing. In our family, we always got something new, sometimes it was something white to wear to the Seder. Other times it was just an addition to our daily wardrobe. In any case, it was a symbol of the newness of the season and the importance of the Passover experience.
You can continue this tradition with a timeless piece of Judaica jewelry. In the spirit of springtime and Passover, we selected a few appropriate jewelry items to mark the season. We hope you enjoy them.
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Seder plate, matzah and kiddush/Elijah's cup charm necklace in silver.
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